Investigating Effects of Education for Sustainable Development in Junior High School in Central Java

Keywords: Adiwiyata, Attitude, Behavior, ESD, Junior high school, Knowingness


This research aims to recognize the effect of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) towards forming students’ character in a direction with the objective of Sustainable Development (SD). ESD is an education concept to develop sustainability, i.e., by embedding awareness and applying SD in the present and the future. This research is an exploratory study with a mixed-methods approach. The research took place in 3 cities/regencies in Central Java, namely, Semarang City, Salatiga City, and Regency Banjarnegara. The survey population was students of Junior High School in each appointed school from 1st to 3rd grader. Each school was taken 100 samples in total, consisting of various grade proportionally. Data collection for the survey used a questionnaire as well as observation towards students’ activities. The result of the research shows that the application of ESD through Adiwiyata program has provided a positive effect on students character, supporting the objective of SD. The students’ awareness of the importance of SD, including the aspect of Knowingness, Attitude, and Behavior, is shown by the students’ awareness of the importance of SD. In particular, the results of this study have implications for the development of research on ESD in Indonesia and the world in general.

How to Cite
DINALESTARI PURBAWATI, BULAN PRABAWANI, & SUDHARTO P. HADI. (2019). Investigating Effects of Education for Sustainable Development in Junior High School in Central Java. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 4(4), 163-176. Retrieved from