Filipino Working-Mothers, Working From Home Under the COVID-19 Lockdown in the UAE
The study attempts to have a closer look at, collect, and formulate Filipino working mothers’ experiences in the United Arab Emirates forced to work from home under the COVID-19 lockdown. The study has investigated several dimensions such as efficiency, achievements, concerns, work-life balance, employer support, family support and future perspective. Following an exploratory approach and a convenient sampling method, the study contacted the potential populations; 57 responded. Through a digital survey with 22 questions under five factors, primary data was forwarded through Whatsapp and responses collected. While the study shows these Filpino mothers’ positive experiences with details on their efficiency and support from both employer and family, under the lockdown; almost half of them will still prefer to have regular office with clear and separate hours for work and family. This is a unique study that concentrates only on the working mothers of any nationality, who had to work from home under the unique lockdown condition; and manage both family and work together at the same time. The study can guide potential future decisions, interventions and arrangements between working mothers and their employers, informed of both the potential benefits as well as long term repercussions.
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