Impact of Workplace Bullying on Job Attitudes: Moderated by Ethical Leadership
The objective of this study was to examine the impact of workplace bullying on job attitudes: moderated by ethical leadership. Results and findings revealed that there is no significant relationship between bullying at the workplace and the deviance of employees. As employees spend most of their daily time at workplaces, the behaviors of employees at workplaces are a major concern for management and organizations. This is Quantitative research, using cross-sectional data to test the hypothesis empirically. SPSS 21 is used for all statistical analysis of data. The study is cross-sectional in nature as data was collected from various sources at one time. Results and findings revealed that there is no significant relationship between bullying at the workplace and the deviance of employees. The correlation between WPB and WPD is significant, but regression analysis has proved insignificance in this relationship. This research will extend the previous literature in two ways; first, we test the direct relationship between Workplace Bullying (WPB) with organizational deviance and individual deviance, its impact on employees’ turnover intentions, and its impact on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) of employees. Secondly, we will test whether Ethical leadership moderates this relationship or not. This study will fill the gap by stressing PSR in developing and underdeveloped countries and its impact on firms performance.

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