Effect of Wisdom on Aggression and Decision Making Among Heads of Institutes

  • Dr. Sajid Mahmood Alvi
  • Ayla Khan
  • Hadiya Tariq
Keywords: Aggression, Wisdom, Decision-making, Gender, Institutes, Heads


The current study was designed to look into the effect of wisdom on aggression and decision-making among institute heads. Male and female (N = 200) heads of institutes’ were chosen for this study by using the purposive sampling technique. The wisdom of heads’ institutes was gauged by the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS), which was developed by Monika Ardelt in 2003. The General Decision-Making Questionnaire (GDMQ) was developed by Scott and Bruce (1995) to assess decision-making. Aggression was measured through Buss & Perry Aggression scale (BPAQ) developed by Buss in 1992. Descriptive statistics, alpha reliability, pearson correlation, and regression were computed to test the hypothesis. Pearson correlation showed a significant relationship between wisdom and decision-making and a negative relationship between wisdom and aggression. Uncertain decisions root anger among heads and ultimately affect the functioning of the education sector

How to Cite
Dr. Sajid Mahmood Alvi, Ayla Khan, & Hadiya Tariq. (2022). Effect of Wisdom on Aggression and Decision Making Among Heads of Institutes. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 7(3), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.24088/IJBEA-2022-73007