The Influence of Interpersonal Communication and Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction of Academics University Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Keywords: Interpersonal communication, Organizational culture, Job satisfaction


Communication is the most important and the most basic skill used by people in interaction, either in
verbal or non-verbal communication. A good and appropriate communication relationship and organization culture will
lead to good satisfaction in working. This research was aimed at testing the influence of interpersonal communication
(X) on the job satisfaction of Academics (Y ) University Achmaad Yani Banjarmasin. This research used a quantitative
approach. The samples were 113 academics of University Achmad Yani Banjarmasin. The data collecting process was
done using questionnaires while the data analyzing process used basic linear regression with 95% degree of freedom.
The first test results show that interpersonal communication has a significant effect on job satisfaction. The second test
result shows that organizational culture has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Interpersonal communication and
organizational culture contribute to job satisfaction up to 64.1%. The implications of the research show that interpersonal
communication and organizational culture have an effect on job satisfaction. So, the institution of University of Achmad
Yani Banjarmasin can further improve its interpersonal communication and apply better organizational culture in order
to create employees’ job satisfaction.

How to Cite
FAISAL REZA, SITI RUSIDAH, & FORASIDAH. (2017). The Influence of Interpersonal Communication and Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction of Academics University Achmad Yani Banjarmasin. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 2(5). Retrieved from